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Thread: van go

  1. #1
    as ain't Jamhuri's Avatar
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    van go

    The van was alive. The little souls in its belly swelled, bursting with excitement, cheering it on as it quickened its pace to a maximum- The fast lane. Nothing mattered but the wanton touch of rubber limbs teasing tarmac. Its heart whistled in content, filled with fuel, finally feeling the fulfillment that follows putting all you have to a task and knowing, knowing there's no thing you've held back. Its valves had never opened so wide to let in so much. Excitement tightened hold on a steaming heart, like cardiac arrest. This tasted like speed. Caution was thrown to the still air; absolute wind against the van’s skin. Some of the souls inside pulled the shutters across the windows, drawing protest from their peers who ordered the windows opened. Closed, opened, closed, and opened, like blinks. It soon became a stupid game for the few seated by the windows. Next to no time, they'd been sucked into the laughter and superficial conversation that matched the excitement inside the van.

    Little black dresses, tight trousers, half-buttoned shirts revealing chests hairless from youthfulness, freshly gelled hair; gloriously black, and first-time jewels. They looked beautiful(ly dressed) inside the van. The ugly unlucky earned attention lurking around the faces at the center of most camera lenses. For them recognition took some trying. ('Count us among 'the living'', their egos can’t not have been crying) Looking into this buzzing swarm of young faces I’m calling souls felt like true soul-searching; Beauty blotched, unforgivably, by the love of money, existentialism, the in-genuineness of our own kindness, and instincts of self-preservation. -Dressing to kill, speaking to impress, thinking to manipulate, agreeing to please, playing to win... At the root its all evil.

    But that wasn’t in the picture now. No one cared for such trivialities, unpleasant and misplaced. (No one in the van cared, because the poor and the ugly don’t exist in such paintings. When the bulk is good, the unfitting strokes even build to the bulk's beauty, bestowing credibility to the picture as a whole) Everyone was sucked into the laughter and conversation that held the moment suspended above any other. This moment was the cream, however thin, of their years together in school. They clang on to the little re-tellings of how ‘awesome’ the dinner had been, stubbornly refusing to simmer down to the doubtful promises and sweet sorrows that typify goodbye. It'd be eminent the next morning anyway, so why bother right now?

    A deserted empty gate gaped open, boasting its tall bright lights to the night. A van descended to a halt in front of it, engine grumbling as its driver waited for his passengers to alight. The gate would soon swallow them and the van would zombie back into lonely lanes to haunted highways, dead as steel.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    I'm here to Destroy YOU! Galactus The Devourer's Avatar
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    Re: van go

    First paragraph was filled with a terrific amount of energy and good spirits, Imagery encapsulated me and drew me into your element with ease and temperance. I was in the van reading this. Very generous start.

    Second "Little black dresses, tight trousers, half-buttoned shirts revealing chests hairless from youthfulness, freshly gelled hair; gloriously black, and first-time jewels. They looked beautiful(ly dressed) inside the van. The ugly unlucky earned attention lurking around the faces at the center of most camera lenses. For them recognition took some trying"

    (continues the mood and then the mood suddenly and dramatically changes in a direction I wasn't expecting)

    "('Count us among 'the living'', their egos can’t not have been crying) Looking into this buzzing swarm of young faces I’m calling souls felt like true soul-searching; Beauty blotched, unforgivably, by the love of money, existentialism, the in-genuineness of our own kindness, and instincts of self-preservation. -Dressing to kill, speaking to impress, thinking to manipulate, agreeing to please, playing to win... At the root its all evil."

    The change in mood and style I think briefly hurt the overall of this piece. The third stanza quickly removes the previously stated and brings back the original feel.

    Overall I thought this was great, it had a lot of enjoyable elements, my only two things would be the second half of the 2nd stanza and that to me the ending ended sort of too abruptly and maybe could have been carried on a little..'

    very nice drop. this shouldnt be slept on. pz


  4. #4
    Banned Cinizter's Avatar
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    Re: van go

    Looking into this buzzing swarm of young faces I’m calling souls felt like true soul-searching; Beauty blotched, unforgivably, by the love of money, existentialism, the in-genuineness of our own kindness, and instincts of self-preservation. -Dressing to kill, speaking to impress, thinking to manipulate, agreeing to please, playing to win... At the root its all evil.
    These were my favorite me they had an air of satire in them...You used phrases that are well-known but it wasn't cliche the way their used.
    It had me thinking of all the things that are in a beings nature and how nature in a way dooms existing creatures into imperfection....

    Some of the souls inside pulled the shutters across the windows, drawing protest from their peers who ordered the windows opened. Closed, opened, closed, and opened, like blinks. It soon became a stupid game for the few seated by the windows.
    I also feel like these lines had alot of entertainment value to them and they were really humorous. I liked the metaphor for the windows being like the van's eyes....and there's a wordplay in the title "Van Gogh/van go" but I don't see exactly how it tied into the piece....

    nice piece with really good imagery and nice use of metaphor throughout.

  5. #5
    as ain't Jamhuri's Avatar
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    Re: van go

    The 'change' in mood and style is one 'off' thing about the whole picture, no doubt. I thought it fitted there considering the idea of ignoring things and focusing on the 'better' ones.

    Feed appreciated fam. Will rtf

  6. #6
    better than legendary Neruda II's Avatar
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    Re: van go

    i'm trying really hard to get through this but my head is just not working tonight. everything seems choppy to me. i will try again later.
    murder murder

  7. #7
    as ain't Jamhuri's Avatar
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    Re: van go

    up 1

  8. #8
    as ain't Jamhuri's Avatar
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    Re: van go

    up 2.

  9. #9
    You've Earned a Custom Title! Diamondz's Avatar
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    Re: van go

    Creative poem very deep

  10. #10
    better than legendary Neruda II's Avatar
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    Re: van go

    alright. i got through it with the right message, finally. i honestly tried reading this so many times but always felt like i was drowning in something. i guess what caught me off guard is the intensity of the imagery in the first paragraph. it's fast and furious, and the paragraph structure makes it so the bulk of it hits you hard. i kinda like it, kinda don't.

    with all of that aside, i thought the piece was refreshing. it sort of moved with the same spirit of a piece i wrote called, well fuck, i forgot the titled( it starts off with "jimi knew that the sky had lips" ) you did a marvelous job at capturing the essence of that age and it actually tugged hard at my strings right now because i had an epiphany not too long ago about aging and it's been bothering me. this piece coincides well with that. your tone was strong but i felt it was a bit misplaced but your voice in this piece is what captivated me the most. you made it seem authentic and i hope to god that it is.

    well done. sorry about the late feed.
    murder murder

  11. #11
    as ain't Jamhuri's Avatar
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    Re: van go

    Quote Originally Posted by Neruda II View Post
    you made it seem authentic and i hope to god that it is.

    well done. sorry about the late feed.
    lol. thanks for the feed.

  12. #12
    better than legendary Neruda II's Avatar
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    Re: van go

    Hahaha that sounded like I meant "I hope you didn't steal this!" but I meant it as, I hope this experience happened. Stfu.
    murder murder

  13. #13
    as ain't Jamhuri's Avatar
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    Re: van go

    yea, i got that.
    it did happen. The bus thing. and the hollow happy people. lol

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