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Thread: The Future

  1. #1
    Banned Se7eN's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Battle Record

    The Future

    Title: The Future

    The future brings things, we cannot dream or think
    Immortality, to a human being, or disappearing in a blink
    I shrink of knowledge, known and where I can roam
    Like plastic, drastic, things ahead stretch in front like foam
    The past is gone, it’s sold, to the very depths of my soul
    So I embrace the future, with a fear but yet a tight hold
    The future hold’s life and death, you can only think and guess
    How long your going to live, or if you will ever be the best
    The rode ahead has as much pain, as it has been plaguing your brain
    Who knows who’ll you’ll meet, where their from, wats their name
    So live everyday, like it’s your last, don’t worry about the past
    Cause the future is ahead, don’t let it turn and kick you in your ass

  2. #2
    Banned Se7eN's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Battle Record
    can I have some feedback on this piece so i know wat to elevate on in my poems

  3. #3
    ToTheTop Steven William's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Battle Record
    pretty decent...
    good concept stayed on topica
    not very good imagery tho...
    good vocab and internals and
    it flowed nicely...
    hit up my\/
    Forest Of Agony

    Put down the pebbles in my hand, climbed a ladder, put a brick right through your window.
    "You're gonna hear me out." Yeah, hear me out on this!

  4. #4
    This was a decent piece.
    It was lacking emotion, and didn't give a push to make the reader want to continue to read. You want to make your pieces have a strong impact. Playing with word usage and elevation of vocab could possibly help you out but you don't want to sound like an idiot using big words just for the hell of it. To me it seemed like you was trying to rhyme too hard. There's nothing wrogn with rhyming but a forced rhyme takes away from the piece.
    I shrink of knowledge, known and where I can roam
    Like plastic, drastic, things ahead stretch in front like foam
    you want your lines to make sense, don't just put words down because they sound the same
    I think if you work on that, you'll be straight
    ^constructive criticism^
    keep elevating hun

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